Protein Bars
 Protein, Antioxidants, Vitamins A, B1, C, D and E, Potassium, 
magnesium, calcium, Iron, zinc, Selenium, Fiber and healthy natural 

Shortbread Cookies
 Omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, calcium, zinc, copper, iron, 
magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, natural sugars, 
protein, and fiber

Trail Mix
 Potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, calcium, 
antioxidants, vitamins B,C and E, healthful fat, protein, natural 
sugars and fiber

 Apple Pecan Bars
 Antioxidants, potassium, calcium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, 
iron, zinc, manganese, boron, protein, fiber and essential omega -3 
fatty acids

Banana Cocoa Shake
Protein, omega-3 fatty acids, potassium, magnesium, manganese, 
phosphorus,,B and E vitamins, fiber and natural sugars

 All of which provide for a constant flow of energy!
 Enjoy eating without guilt and Roots Cafe!

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